What We Do

We’re investigating and developing solutions to barley net blotch

We’re making solid discoveries for net blotch resistance in exotic germplasm, with genome assemblies helping us to better understand virulence changes in the pathogen populations and fungicide resistance mechanisms.

We’re improving genetic solutions to controlling damaging wheat pathogens

We’re collaborating globally to identify genetic markers linked to wheat disease resistance and have already discovered a ‘master gene’ that positively regulates some important disease mechanisms (effectors) in wheat pathogens.

We have identified new sources of durable genetic barley powdery mildew resistance.

By screening exotic barley landraces our researchers have identified unique and durable resistance genes to barley powdery mildew. This discovery is now available for breeding companies to breed disease resistant varieties.

Our Tools

Effector Sensitivity Screening Kit

The CCDM is a specialist centre in effector biology and is one of the few organisations in Australia studying necrotrophic effectors of crop fungal pathogens. Breeders can contact the CCDM cereal research team for an effector sensitivity screening kit which is useful for rapidly screening and removal of sensitive varieties from the breeding program. If this interests you, please get in touch.
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Isolate Resources of Cereal Pathogens

At CCDM we’ve been monitoring pathogen populations for some time and, as part of our cereal diseases work, we’ve collected a library of fungal isolates from the major grain growing regions of Australia. These fungal isolates cause yellow spot and septoria nodorum blotch in wheat, and spot from net blotch and net form net blotch in barley.
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Our Current Projects

Genetic resistance to fungal diseases of wheat

Provide wheat breeders with new knowledge and tools to deliver more resistant varieties and significantly reduce grower costs through improvement of varieties and pre-breeding solutions.
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Genetic resistance to fungal diseases of barley

Explores disease resistance in exotic barley varieties to inform resistance gene selection and provide breeders with knowledge and tools to improve variety performance for growers.
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Pathogen dynamics and mechanisms of infection

Explores the pathogen population diversity and key mechanisms of common cereal diseases to minimise their impact on the grains industry.
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